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The Creatures that History Forgot Page 3
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without their robe and seemed like I was going out of my way to break that tradition.
“My mother needs me and I am going to be there for her!” I yelled, casting the robe onto the floor, before leaping pass my guards.
“Wait Lady Kyzudo!” the guards yelled as I ran home using all four of my legs to increase my speed. I did not care about upholding tradition when my mother maybe dying. I don’t know how I am going to save her but I am not going to lose another parent, not if I can help it.
A Warrior’s Attire
“Lady Kyzudo, come back!” the guards yelled as I sprinted home, my youth and small stature adding to my speed. The Death Stalker was also chasing me but he seemed to be holding back, he seemed to understand my burning desire to get to my injured mother as soon as possible. All who saw us hurried to get out the way watching us pass fearfully though I was beyond caring about how they saw me.
I dashed into the house to see the members of the Death Stalkers gathered around my mother. They parted when they saw me so I rushed over to see my mother, who standing in the center of the group. She bared her fangs with her tail thrashing wildly about behind her. She looked perfectly healthy I thought until, one of her servants touched her hind leg, which had a deep gash.
“Calm down I am alright.” my mother said hobbling forward as I looked away ashamed for I doubted if I could ever be that strong, strong enough to replace her as the leader.
“I need to tend to your wound in order for it to heal, your majesty.” the servant said as my mother nodded having understood.
“Fine but then I need to inform the people that the Death Stalkers were able to obtain the supplies for the generator.” Mom said as everyone turned to her worried.
“You can”’ go on that leg.” the servant exclaimed having temporarily forgetting her manners.
“I am needed so I must.” Mom stated simply ignoring the rashness in which the commit was stated.
“Well I suppose in a few hours…” the servant began but Mom cut her off with a sharp gesture of her tail.
“No I am going as soon as you tend to it.” Mom stated boldly renewing everyone sense of worry.
“But you need to rest.” the servant insisted.
“My people need information about the generator as soon as possible.” My mother stated as if denying that a hindrance existed.
“Maybe one of the Death Stalkers can make the announcement for you.” suggested the servant.
“No then they will think I am incapable of delivering the news myself.” Mom said whipping her tail back and forth.
“You currently are not capable of such a task your majesty.” the servant stated mildly though Mom did not take offense.
“That is where you are wrong I am more than capable of delivering this message for I can’t allow for weakness.” she stated calmly but the servant would not give up that easily.
“But you can barely walk. If you do not want to appear weak then you may not want to go before them limping on all fours, your majesty.” the servant continued dulling her message with her polite words.
“I will walk upright as always.” Mom stated boldly.
“But your leg?” the servant questioned.
“It will support me.” she stated confidently.
“Just for a tradition but that is stupid. You should not have to put yourself through that much pain for nothing.” I exclaimed as everyone turned to me in surprise, for a normal child my age such an outburst would be punishable.
“You don’t understand the gravity of the situation.” Mom stated unconcerned about the content of my statement.
“If you insist on going you may lean on me.” one of the Death Stalkers offered but Mom declined.
“That would be a sign of weakness, of incompetence. I cannot allow it.” Mom said harshly as the Death Stalker nodded understandingly.
“I guess there is no swaying your judgment so I shall prepare the bandages.” the servant announced then dismissed herself with a bow.
When the servant returned she quickly bound my mother’s injured leg. The result was a swollen mass that left Mom’s leg stiff and virtually immovable.
“Are you still sure about this?” the servant asked after she was done binding her leg.
“There is only one option so I have no other choice than to choose it.” Mom stated grimly as the servant bowed, backing away.
“I will be back with your clothing.” the servant whispered then disappeared.
The servant returned shortly with a black outfit that was almost identical to the uniforms the Death Stalker wear except it had red stain sashes tied around the calves, upper arm and midsection. The Death Stalkers’ uniforms including sashes in a similar arrangement in black but the red sashes of the leaders clothing were to represent the blood of those who had been killed while benefiting our society. The leader’s clothing is never loose so it allows for free movement associated with fighting while offering the regality of fabric.
Next Mother was presented her twin machetes which were classily painted black with the sharpened silver gleaming in the light. And of course she still had that scorpion bracelet, for she was never without it.
“Um I would like to come as well.” I stated as my mother nodded.
“Ok but you need to get dressed.” she stated as I hurried in search of the guards, who sure enough had my robe.
“Thank you.” I said taking the robe from them then slipped it over my head as the guards did their best to hide their emotions.
“I hope you do not take offense but we would like to accompany you.” said one of the Death Stalkers as a few others nodded.
“That would be wise. I must admit that I have been weakened so the fact I do not usually travel with guards is irrelevant. Having you with me will increase my strength.” Mom said as the Death Stalker, who spoke nodded then organized the others as my usually guards joined in our massive group.
“Lead the way when ready” my mother commanded as the group slowly proceed.
Despite the strength of our group many could not help noticing that their leader walked with a slight limp so anytime someone stared longer than usually or forgot to bow at the sight of us my mother would growl until they planted their faces into the ground with a stream of apologies. As we approached the center of the crowd that was gathering about the huge lit dome we passed a great line of people lying flat on the ground in respect though when we reached the place where we usually speak, whispering began to build. Mom walked in front of the guards, slashing her blade expertly before her causing the keel metal to whistle as it rent the still air and with that everyone fell silent.
“It is no secret that I have been injured but my strength has not diminished. I am still your leader and I promise to all of you that I will not allow myself to fail.” Mom said as the crowd produced high pitched yips of joy.
“I came here to inform you that the Death Stalkers have succeed and got the parts needed for the generator so you can all be at ease.” my mother continued as a new wave of yipping began.
“Um I don’t mean to be rude but what happened?” asked someone near the front, who made himself known by briefly raising to his feet to enable us to locate him.
“If you do not mind your majesty I would like to explain.” said a member of the Death Stalkers, modestly.
“By all means Dabu.” my mother said as he nodded then stepped forward.
“We managed to steal the parts alright but a blinding light came on, as if it could sense our movements. This alerted the guards who were armed and fired at us but we managed to take refuge in an area enclosed by a wire fence. We did not know at the time but there was a dog. Our leader fought off the dog with her bare hands and she was faring rather well but there was another dog, we all failed to notice. The other the dog took her by surprise and sank its jagged teeth into her hind leg. Luckily we found a crowbar and killed the dog. I just wanted you to know our leader was not injured due to cowardice or lack of ability. I believe that she is more than ca
pable to continue leading us.” Dabu said as the yipping grew quickly into a mind numbing racket.
“I know our leader is strong but we can’t ignore the fact that she is weaker due to this incident. She is limping already can we really expect her to be able to continue leading the Death Stalkers in this condition.” someone stated rising up and only seemed to fall due to lack of balance rather that politeness.
Mom snarled then threw one of her machetes toward the one who had spoken. The crowd scattered as the blade implanted itself into the crumbing mortar so its wooden handle stuck straight up.
“Is that a challenge?” my mother demanded.
“Of course not your majesty, I was simply stating a fact. This tragic incident has weakened you. As you so elegantly announced your injury is not a secret.” she explained coolly but she did not bow as expected or even lower her ears or tail out of respect.
I am not weak!” my mother yelled as the one who spoke awkwardly walked over to my mother’s blade, standing upright like one of the royal family. She used the blade to prop herself up as her dark brown tail aided her balance.
“I am simply reminding you that being the leader is no position for the weak, your majesty. I am only concerned that you may currently lack the ability to complete your duties for they require one who is in peak condition, your majesty.” She continued as she pulled the blade from the ground with a mighty heave, a feat of great strength that everyone present observed. Many of those assembled began muttering to